Health problems among students in one school in Pakkred district, Nonthaburi province.

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สมชาย สุขอารีย์ชัย
โฉมขจี สุขอารีย์ชัย
ขันธ์ทิพย์ ตาปสนันท์


This cross-sectional descriptive research aims  tosurveyhealth problems among students in  one schoolinPakkred district, Nonthaburi province  and theirsrelationto  gender, education level and the  group of special child. The sample consisted of  1,132 health records ofstudentswho came for health check-up  at school, was purposively  selected. Data were collected during November, 2009 to January, 2010. The  descriptive statisticsand odds ratiowere used in data analysis.   It was founded thatthe most common health problems among studentswere Dental Caries (69.1%),  Tinea versicolor and Pityriasis alba (24.9%), Pediculosis capitis (14.0%), Refractive error (13.3%), and Obesity (11.4%). Thegenderwas related toDental caries, Tinea versicolor and Pityriasis alba, Pediculosis capitis, and Obesity. Educational level was related toDental caries, Tinea versicolor and Pityriasis, Pediculosis capitis and Refractive error. The student groups of normal and special child were relatedto Pediculosis capitis, Refractive error and Obesity at statistically significant level .05.


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How to Cite
สุขอารีย์ชัย ส., สุขอารีย์ชัย โ., & ตาปสนันท์ ข. (2016). Health problems among students in one school in Pakkred district, Nonthaburi province. Thai Journal of Nursing, 60(3), 53–62. Retrieved from
Research Article


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