Relationship between sense of coherence, coping patterns and plasma glucose in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus patients.

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นิตยา รอดพลอย
สมพันธ์ หิญชีระนันทน์
ดร. ศากุล ช่างไม้


This descriptiveresearch aims to exploresense of coherence and coping patterns in Diabetics and finds  the relationsbetween sense of coherence and coping patterns toplasma glucose level in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Nakhonpathom Hospital. Purposive sampling was used to recruit 350 patients. The research instruments included  sense of coherence and coping questionnaires. Theinstruments were validated by a group ofthree experts. Data were analyzed for frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation and Pearson correlation. Results  revealed that  the diabeticpatients had high level of sense of coherence, but low level ofcoping patterns.Plasma glucose level had negative relation tosense of coherence at statistical significance level .05, but had no relation to coping  patterns.

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How to Cite
รอดพลอย น., หิญชีระนันทน์ ส., & ช่างไม้ ด. ศ. (2016). Relationship between sense of coherence, coping patterns and plasma glucose in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus patients. Thai Journal of Nursing, 60(3), 63–71. Retrieved from
Research Article


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