Depression in older adults with Diabetes Mellitus

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Maneerat Aiamanan


Depression is common in older adults due to their psychological, social loss and physical deterioration. Most of older adults have more than one chronic illness which is most likely to include Diabetes Mellitus. Because of their illness, pathology of Diabetes Mellitus and other factors, these older adults need to change their role into the sick role which can cause them lower self-esteem. Thus, medical personnels and caregivers of these older adults, should have comprehensive understanding on the depressive symptoms, its related factors, the assessment and management to alleviate the depressive condition with respect their value and dignity.

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How to Cite
Aiamanan, M. . (2019). Depression in older adults with Diabetes Mellitus. Thai Journal of Nursing, 68(1), 58–65. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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