Policy recommendation entitled: Measures and motivation to reduce tobacco consumption in industrial and agricultural workers

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Kannikar Chatdokmaiprai
Siriwan Pitayarangsarit
Surintorn Kalampakorn


Tobacco consumption has negative impact on health among tobacco consumers and surrounding non-smokers, especially among industrial and agricultural workers who are in the working-age group of the highest smoking rate. If  the stakeholders indicate clear policy recommendation to set measures and motivation for reducing tobacco consumption, its health hazard will be decreased. This academic article aims to propose policy recommendation to  stakeholders that will be useful for setting up any measures and motivation to reduce tobacco consumption among industrial and agricultural workers. In order to gain the effective and sustainable policy recommendation, reviewing relevant literatures and interviewing a number of key informants were done by authors. 

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How to Cite
Chatdokmaiprai, K. ., Pitayarangsarit, S. . ., & Kalampakorn, S. . (2019). Policy recommendation entitled: Measures and motivation to reduce tobacco consumption in industrial and agricultural workers. Thai Journal of Nursing, 68(2), 51–59. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/TJN/article/view/213260
Academic Article


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