Relationship among knowledge, attitude, and practice of flood disaster preparedness among community dwellers in Klong Mahasawat Community, Nakhon Pathom Province

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ฐิติรัตน์ ทองม่วง
สุภามาศ ผาติประจักษ์
นพวรรณ เปียซื่อ


This study aimed at investigating the relationship among knowledge, attitude, and practice of flood disaster preparedness among community dwellers in Klong Mahasawat Community, Nakhon Pathom Province. The study sample consisted of 193 subjects, was purposively selected. Data were collected using a questionnaire and a test. Descriptive statistics and Spearman Rank Order correlation were used in data analysis. The results revealed that knowledge of flood disaster preparedness was related to attitude toward flood disaster preparedness (rs = 0.204, p <.01) and practice of flood disaster preparedness (rs = 0.262, p <.01) with statistical significance. In addition, attitude toward flood disaster preparedness was related to practice of flood disaster preparedness with statistical significance (rs = 0.192, p <.01).

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How to Cite
ทองม่วง ฐ., ผาติประจักษ์ ส., & เปียซื่อ น. (2019). Relationship among knowledge, attitude, and practice of flood disaster preparedness among community dwellers in Klong Mahasawat Community, Nakhon Pathom Province. Thai Journal of Nursing, 67(3), 46–54. retrieved from
Research Article


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