Self - practice in infectious prevention during clinical practice in hospitals among nursing students

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ชฎาพร คงเพ็ชร์
จรัสศรี อินทรสมหวัง
นภาพร เพชรศร


The purpose of this study were to survey self-practice in infectious prevention during clinical practice in
hospitals among nursing students. The sample of 183 nursing students at Faculty of Nursing Watcharapol, Western University, was purposively selected. The research tool was a questionnaire on self-practice in infectious prevention during clinical practice in hospitals. Its content validity index was 0.90 and the Cronbach’s alpha coeffif icient was 0.87. Descriptive statistics was used in data analysis. The results were as follows. Nursing students (30.1%) reported  experience of infectious prone accident during practice. In 36 items, their regular self -practice in infectious prevention during clinical practice in hospitals ranged from 13.7 percent (the item of putting back the cover of used needle by 2 hands) to 95.0 percent (the item of doing hand-washing after mucous contamination).

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คงเพ็ชร์ ช., อินทรสมหวัง จ., & เพชรศร น. (2019). Self - practice in infectious prevention during clinical practice in hospitals among nursing students. Thai Journal of Nursing, 67(3), 55–61. Retrieved from
Research Article


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