Coaching student nurse leader to motivate to quit smoking based on ADDIE model

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อรนลิน สิงขรณ์
มัลลิกา มาตระกูล
นาตญา พแดนนอก


Coaching  nurse student leaders to motivate  to quit smoking based on  ADDIE  model,  is composed of  5 phases; 1) analysis of  student nurse leader’s  potential,  situation and  obstacles to  quit smoking,  2) designing for potential development and its problem solving methods,  3) planning,   4) implementation of the plan  and  5) evaluation.  The  implementation of  ADDIE model  can  help  student  nurse leader gained  confidence in motivating to quit smoking  and helping selected  smokers  to quit smoking  more than  6 months.  It is recommended  that  ADDIE model  is appropriate to use  in  potential development  program for student nurse leaders to motivate to quit smoking.

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How to Cite
สิงขรณ์ อ., มาตระกูล ม., & พแดนนอก น. (2019). Coaching student nurse leader to motivate to quit smoking based on ADDIE model. Thai Journal of Nursing, 67(2), 51–59. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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