The International Council of Nurses: The power to lead professional and global health initiatives

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นันทพันธ์ ชินลำ้ประเสริฐ


Nurses have accountability for global health initiatives emphasizing on the respect of human rights and social equity principle. The collective powers of nurses to accomplish this mission and professional development by advancing body of knowledge in nursing science can be exercised through the leadership of International Council of Nurses(ICN). With the unity and connection of more than 20 million nurses in the world, ICN can mobilize its strategicdirection to achieve the goals. The management of ICN through the elected board of directors from the NationalNurses’ Associations of 134 countries empowers all nurses to campaign, implement health development programsin the collective manner. ICN participates in global health policy initiative in World Health Assembly, works collaboratively with World Health Organization, United Nations, International Labor Organization, and World Bank for the global and regional development programs. The Nurses’ Association of Thailand has joined the ICN membership for 58 years and contributed greatly by the Thai nurse leaders in policy making for professional development, nurses’
welfare and shortage issues improvement; including supports the leadership training and nursing student network for preparing future nurse leaders for the country.

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How to Cite
ชินลำ้ประเสริฐ น. (2019). The International Council of Nurses: The power to lead professional and global health initiatives. Thai Journal of Nursing, 67(2), 60–71. retrieved from
Special Article


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