The effect of smoking cessation program by applying the Protection Motivation Theory in patients with hypertension

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ธนะวัฒน์ รวมสุก
สุรินธร กลัมพากร
ทัศนีย์ รวิวรกุล


          The purpose of this quasi-experimental study aimed to examine the effect of smoking cessation program in patients with hypertension by applying Protection Motivation Theory. The samples were male smokers with hypertension  receiving service at  Bangnamprieo hospital, Chachoengsao province. The experimental group (n = 27) received 2 monthly sessions of a smoking cessation program with the focus on enhancing perceived severity of disease, perceived vulnerability of complications, response efficacy and self-efficacy in smoking cessation and telephone followed-up on the 3rd,  7th and 14th days after setting quit date. Comparison group (n = 26) was provided with self-help material about smoking cessation. Data were collected using questionnaire and piCO smokerlyzer at pre-test,  post-test and follow-up.  The research findings showed that after the intervention, the experimental group had mean score of perceived severity, perceived vulnerability of complications, response efficacy and self-efficacy significantly higher than that of the pre-test and comparison group (p < .05).  In addition, the number of cigarettes smoked by the experimental group was significantly lower than the pre-test and that by the comparison group (p < .05). However, the mean score of nicotine dependence level and exhaled carbon monoxide level were not significantly different from that of the comparison group (p > .05).

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How to Cite
รวมสุก ธ., กลัมพากร ส., & รวิวรกุล ท. (2019). The effect of smoking cessation program by applying the Protection Motivation Theory in patients with hypertension. Thai Journal of Nursing, 67(1), 1–10. retrieved from
Research Article


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