Professional experience promoting activities for enhancing knowledge, attitude and practice skills against harmfulness of tobacco among nursing students

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สุธีกาญจน์ ไชยลาภ
จันทรรัตน์ วงศ์อารีย์สวัสดิ์
สมบัติ ริยาพันธ์


This  quasi-experimental  research  aimed to compare knowledge, attitude and practice skills against  harmfulness  of  tobacco  among  nursing students  before and after participating in professional experience promoting activities. The respondent of  77 student nurses of  Kuakarun Faculty of Nursing, Navamindradhiraj University, was purposively selected. The research instruments were a questionnaire and a guideline of focus group discussion. The data were analyzed using  descriptive statistics, dependent t-test and content analysis. The results revealed that the mean score of knowledge and  attitude  between  before and after participating in the professional experience  promoting activities, were not statistically different, but the mean score of practice  skills against  harmfulness of  tobacco, were significantly increased (p < .05).

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How to Cite
ไชยลาภ ส., วงศ์อารีย์สวัสดิ์ จ., & ริยาพันธ์ ส. (2019). Professional experience promoting activities for enhancing knowledge, attitude and practice skills against harmfulness of tobacco among nursing students. Thai Journal of Nursing, 67(1), 33–39. Retrieved from
Research Article


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