The effects of motivational counseling for attitude change on knowledge and attitude toward smoking among drug addicts at Paktho hospital, Changwat Ratchaburi

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อารี จันใด
ปรียา ภูวพานิช


This quasi-experimental research aimed to investigate the  effects of  motivational  counseling  for attitude change on knowledge and attitude toward smoking among drug addicts at Paktho hospital, Changwat  Ratchaburi . The sample of  30 drug addicts  who came to the  health clinic at  Paktho hospital,  was accidentally selected.  Research tools were a  questionnaire on general information and attitude towardsmoking,  a test of knowledge on cigarette harm, and nicotine addiction assessment.  Descriptive statistics andt-test were used in data analysis. The results revealed that after receiving motivational  counseling  for  attitude  change ,  drug addicts’ knowledge on  cigarette harm was significantly increased  but their attitude toward smoking was significantly decreased from the pre-experimental period at              p < .001.

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How to Cite
จันใด อ., & ภูวพานิช ป. (2019). The effects of motivational counseling for attitude change on knowledge and attitude toward smoking among drug addicts at Paktho hospital, Changwat Ratchaburi. Thai Journal of Nursing, 67(1), 40–45. Retrieved from
Research Article


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