The development of a community participatory model leading to the diamond level of health promotion school at Wut Saluck Nuea school, Nonthaburi province

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Warinee Iemsawasdikul
Sutteeporn Moolsart
Cheunjit Potisupsuk
Sumon Jawsungnern
Pensri Saensuk


The objectives of this research and development were: 1) to study the participation of community and health behaviors of students; 2) to develop a community participatory model (CPM) leading to the diamond level of health promotion school; and 3) to investigate the implementation feasibility of the CPM to promote Wut Saluck Nuea school to be the diamond level of health promotion school. The sample were as follow: 1) Fifty four of students, teachers, parents and community representatives for focus group and six stakeholders of the development of health promotion school for

 in-depth interview; 2) Ten of developmental team for model development; 3) Thirty of students, parents, teachers, school administrators, professional nurse and community stakeholders for feasibility study. Research tools were questionnaires on 1) guideline for focus group and in-depth interview; health behaviors and community participation for the student; community participation for the parent; and the implementation feasibility. Data were analyzed by content analysis and descriptive statistics.  The findings revealed that: 1) the students and the parents  participated  in the development of health promotion school at the high and moderate level respectively;  the students had  health behaviors and mental care and personal hygiene at the high level.  2) The CPM leading to the diamond level health promotion school comprised of 4 dimensions of participation as follows; (1) the decision making comprised of 1 strategy and 5 methods; (2) the implementation comprised of  3 strategies and 15 methods; (3) the benefits comprised of 1 strategy and 4 methods and (4) the evaluation comprised of 1 strategy and 3 methods. 3) The implementation feasibility of the CPM in total and all items was at the high level.

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How to Cite
Iemsawasdikul, W. ., Moolsart, S., Potisupsuk, C., Jawsungnern, S. ., & Saensuk, P. . (2020). The development of a community participatory model leading to the diamond level of health promotion school at Wut Saluck Nuea school, Nonthaburi province. Thai Journal of Nursing, 68(4), 11–20. Retrieved from
Research Article


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