Smoking and alcohol consumption behaviors among undergraduate students in Bangkok Metropolitan and Nakhonratchasima Province

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Wichitra Kusoom
Sulee Thongvichean


A descriptive research  aimed to survey smoking and alcohol consumption behaviors  among undergraduate students in Bangkok Metropolitan and Nakhonratchasima Province.  A sample of  425 undergraduate  students in  the university in Bangkok Metropolitan and Nachonratchasima Province, was purposively selected.  Research instrument was a questionnaire  on personal data and smoking and alcohol consumption behaviors. Its reliability coefficient using alpha Cronbach  was  0.85.  Descriptive statistics and  t-test  were used in data analysis. The results revealed  as follows. 1)  Students  37.6 % smoked within the past 6 months  and  64.9 % of them consumed alcohol.  2) There  were  no  significant differences in smoking behaviors among students with different gender and age (p > .05). Smoking behaviors as well as alcohol consumption behaviors in  students  who had  history of  smoking and alcohol consumption  of  their parents, sibling, and closed friends  was higher than those who had no history ( p < .001).  3) There  were  no  significant difference  in  alcohol consumption behaviors among students in different  age group (p > .05).  Alcohol consumption behaviors in male student was significantly higher than  female students        (p < .001).

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How to Cite
Kusoom, W., & Thongvichean, S. (2020). Smoking and alcohol consumption behaviors among undergraduate students in Bangkok Metropolitan and Nakhonratchasima Province. Thai Journal of Nursing, 68(4), 30–39. Retrieved from
Research Article


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