Development of the clinical nursing practice guideline on perioperative hypothermia prevention in patients undergoing operation
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This study aimed to develop the clinical nursing practice guideline (CNPG) for perioperative hypothermia prevention in patients undergoing operation based on the IOWA Model. It comprised 2 steps. Step 1 the development of nursing clinical practice guideline, eight relevant evidences were selected to synthesis the CNPG. This CNPG was composed of nursing care in pre-operation phase, intra-operation phase, and post-operation phase. Step 2 The evaluation of the content validity and its effectiveness. The CNPG of the three phases were as follows. 1) Pre-operation phase, nursing care focused on screening patients at a high risk group and providing active warmer for patient. 2) Intra-operation phase, nursing care focused on providing nursing care to prevent perioperative hypothermia. 3) Post-operation phase, nursing care focused on providing continuous care. After the CNPG implementation in 30 patients for 3 momths, it could prevent perioperative hypothermia in all surgical patients.
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