Smoking cessation model among Islamic leaders in Changwat Pattani

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Siriporn Jindarat
Tuannurma Hama
Phareda Daoh
Keerati Molor
Ruthaychonnee Sittichai


This descriptive research aimed to investigate  smoking cessation model among Islamic leaders in   Changwat Pattani. Purposive sampling was used to select a sample of 19 religious leaders from mosques. Data were collected using a questionnaire administered during in-depth interviews and were analyzed using content analysis. It was found that the religious leaders gave up smoking by adjusting their mind-set and derived support from nurses and their families. They read and listened to the Koran and religious texts repeatedly. Moreover, they applied the words of the Koran to their health problems. Furthermore, their fear of smoking-related disease, behavior modification by the Cold Turkey method, asking for consultation from nurses, assertive skills, exercise and herb were taken in smoking cessation process.


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How to Cite
Jindarat, S., Hama, T., Daoh, P. ., Molor, K. ., & Sittichai, R. . (2020). Smoking cessation model among Islamic leaders in Changwat Pattani . Thai Journal of Nursing, 69(1), 28–35. Retrieved from
Research Article


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