Development of a nursing system for stroke patient at Lamphun hospital

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Sangaroon Jaiwongpab
Sriwan Ruangwattana
Thanita Jitnarin
Kanokrat Matcha


This action research aimed to develop  a  nursing system for stroke patient at Lamphun Hospital. The Donabedian's systemic approach was used as a conceptual framework. A sample of twenty-one professional nurses who provided care for stroke patients, was purposively selected,  and five hundred thirty-three stroke patients  at Lamphun Hospital, was accidentally selected. The research instruments consisted of the  nurse competencies in caring for stroke patients, the professional nurse satisfaction and stroke patient satisfaction questionnaires. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and t-test. The results showed that this developed nursing system  for stroke patient consisted of  establishment of  a stroke unit,  provision of  sufficient medical equipment to meet the demand of clients, work assignment for the stroke case manager, implementation of clinical nursing practice guidelines for stroke patients, competency training for professional nurses who gave care to stroke patients and competency evaluation. After the implementation  of  the nursing system for stroke patients, the professional nurses’ competencies on caring for stroke patients in total and all subparts were significantly higher than before the implementation (p < .05). The satisfaction of professional nurses as well as stroke patients were at the high level.

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How to Cite
Jaiwongpab, S. ., Ruangwattana, S., Jitnarin, T., & Matcha, K. . (2020). Development of a nursing system for stroke patient at Lamphun hospital. Thai Journal of Nursing, 69(2), 37–45. Retrieved from
Research Article


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