The trend of care management for multicultural patients with chronic diseases in Thailand post-pandemic world of Coronavirus disease 2019

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Sutteeporn Moolsart


A pandemic of Coronavirus disease 2019 effects on re-modeling of care management in chronic diseases. Because of the reputation of efficiency of medical care and disease prevention and control, including a care and empathy culture of Thai people, the care trends in Thailand could change to care for more various ethnic groups of patients. They also need new care models adding to the existing models after the post-pandemic world of Coronavirus disease 2019.  Care providers should readily be prepared in care management for efficient responding to various demands of care. The care system should ready for policies and care standards for multicultural patients with chronic diseases in the new care models, care monitoring systems, communication languages, cultural competencies of health personnel, and community. Professional nurses are significant health personnel in care management for multicultural patients with chronic diseases. They should concern and efficiently prepare for upcoming changes.

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How to Cite
Moolsart, S. (2020). The trend of care management for multicultural patients with chronic diseases in Thailand post-pandemic world of Coronavirus disease 2019. Thai Journal of Nursing, 69(3), 44–52. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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