Tobacco Control among Nursing Students in Fundamentals of Nursing Practicum

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Satanya Thitisak


Tobacco control in hospital is a major concern for all health professionals. In the Fundamentals of Nursing Practicum for sophomore nursing students, the assigned patient care practicing should include tobacco smoking behavior assessment. It is essential for nursing students to obtain a client’s health history of smoking behavior, exposure to tobacco smoke, a physical examination to assess smoking related health conditions, as well as related clinical findings to evaluate effect of tobacco smoking to current health problems. Additional nursing care plan will be developed by co-ordination with client and family in order to quit smoking assisttance. Therefore, when nursing students provide nursing care practicing, e.g., hospital admission, measuring vital signs, caring for clients with oxygen therapy, and discharge planning, they should provide knowledge about harmful effects of tobacco. Therefore, nursing students should know the tobacco toxicity to health, the utilization of the 5A and 5D techniques to help smoking cassation, and secondhand smoke exposure prevention. In addition, they should know how to inform the clients to attend the smoking cessation clinic or invite nurses from the clinic providing support for smoking cessation during hospitalization. Community resources for the client and family, e.g., the 1600 Quitline or healthcare service facilities, are also recommended.

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How to Cite
Thitisak, S. (2021). Tobacco Control among Nursing Students in Fundamentals of Nursing Practicum. Thai Journal of Nursing, 70(1), 43–52. retrieved from
Academic Article


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