Successful quit smoking integrating with drug addiction treatment program for juvenile offenders, Department of Juvenile Observation and Protection

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Pongsri Srimoragot
Namfon Phanphop


This study analyzed the successful quit smoking integrating with drug addiction treatment program for juvenile offenders, Department of Juvenile Observation and Protection, Ministry of Justice. by examining causes of being a smoker, motivation to quit, quit smoking methods and quit success of the smoking cessation project in the Youth Training Centers. Document of 681 records from the integrating of quit smoking and drug addiction treatment program, B.E.2561-2563, was performed. Descriptive statistics was employed for data analyses. Results revealed that the major cause of being a smoker was peer pressure (32.5%) and to try once (31.6%). Motivation to quit was mostly rely on health issue (75.9%) and family and social demand (21.4%). The most popular quit smoking method was to try reducing (30.9%). Success quit smoking rate at 7 days, 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months were 62.1%, 71.1%, 78.8% and 85.6 %, respectively.  The average exhale carbon monoxide at 7 days, 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months were 3.2, 2.7, 2.2, and 4.1 ppm respectively.

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How to Cite
Srimoragot, P., & Phanphop, N. (2021). Successful quit smoking integrating with drug addiction treatment program for juvenile offenders, Department of Juvenile Observation and Protection. Thai Journal of Nursing, 70(1), 28–33. retrieved from
Research Article


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