Effectiveness of nicotine withdrawal symptom management program for industrial workers in contemplation and preparation stages of tobacco quitting process

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Sansanee Kamonkriangkrai
Wonpen Keawpan
Surintorn Kalampakorn
Jutatip Sillabutra


The objective of this quasi–experimental study was  to examine the effectiveness of the nicotine withdrawal symptom management program for industrial workers at contemplation and preparation stages of tobacco quitting process. Sixty participants were  purposively  selected from male workers at a factory in Bangkok Metropolitan. Simple random technique was employed to separate equally into the experimental group and the comparison group. The self-administered questionnaire was used to assess nicotine withdrawal symptoms, tobacco cravings and perceived capability to quit smoking. The program consists of 3-weeks activities and 1-week follow-up. Mann-Whitney U Test was employed for data analysis. Results revealed that after the implementation of the nicotine withdrawal symptom management program, industrial workers at contemplation and preparation stages of tobacco quitting process in the experimental group had nicotine withdrawal symptoms, tobacco craving, and  perceived capability to quit smoking better than the comparison group at p < .01 after experiment and at follow-up stages.

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How to Cite
Kamonkriangkrai, S. ., Keawpan, W., Kalampakorn, S., & Sillabutra, J. (2022). Effectiveness of nicotine withdrawal symptom management program for industrial workers in contemplation and preparation stages of tobacco quitting process. Thai Journal of Nursing, 71(1), 45–52. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/TJN/article/view/251321
Research Article


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