Factors predicting smoking behavior among adolescents at Mueang District in Chaiyaphum Province

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Pitoon Vutiso
Phakwarin Phattharasirisomboon
Bovornwich Rodrungsee


This research aims to find factors predicting smoking behavior among adolescents at Mueang District in  Chaiyaphum Province. A stratified two-stages sampling was used to recruit 375 adolescents who were in junior high school,  high school and vocational certificate level at Mueang District in Chaiyaphum Province. Descriptive statistics and Binary logistic regression analysis were used in data analysis. Findings were as follows. 1)  27.5 percent of adolescents smoked. The average age of first smoking was 13.3 years. Their smoking behavior included current smoking (31.1%),  try on smoking (27.2%),  occasional smoking (21.4%), daily smoking (13.6%), and weekly smoking (6.7%).  2) Predicting factors of smoking behavior were sex, self-efficacy to avoid smoking, peer smoking, peer persuation to smoke, and residential area. 

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How to Cite
Vutiso , P., Phattharasirisomboon, P., & Rodrungsee, B. . (2022). Factors predicting smoking behavior among adolescents at Mueang District in Chaiyaphum Province. Thai Journal of Nursing, 71(1), 1–9. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/TJN/article/view/251614
Research Article


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