Nurse and the smoke-free environmental management in community

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Tanawat Ruamsook
Ann Jirapongsuwan


Smoking is a major risk factor for all current smokers and also produces air pollution of secondhand smoke and third-hand smoke which affects  non-smokers’ health. Environmental management in community, including physical, biological, social, culture and community lifestyles, is important to diminish risk factors and prevent non-smokers’ health from tobacco hazards. Nurses possess important professional responsibilities of health promotion, disease prevention, treatment and rehabilitation to initiate smoke-free environmental management in community. This article gathers knowledge from researcher work and literature reviews to propose a nurse’s role guideline for smoke-free environmental management in community. This guideline might affect the reduction of health risks and health prevention from tobacco smoke hazard.

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How to Cite
Ruamsook, T., & Jirapongsuwan, A. (2022). Nurse and the smoke-free environmental management in community. Thai Journal of Nursing, 71(1), 53–62. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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