Effectiveness of the potential development model based on 5As counseling technique on community smoking cessation in nursing student leaders

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kholid karunan
Satiman Makchuchit
Paseena Bunlap
Najmah Lertariyapongkul


This quasi-experimental research aimed to evaluate effectiveness of the potential development model based on 5As counseling technique on community smoking cessation in nursing student leaders . A sample of 65 second year nursing students studying at Boromarajonani College of Nursing  Yala, and 105 people were purposively selected. The research tools were the potential development model for nursing student leaders, knowledge test, and satisfaction questionnaire on activity management.  Percentage, mean, standard deviation, and paired t-test were used in data analysis. Results revealed that after experiment, nursing student leaders  gained higher score of knowledge than before experiment at p < .001 ( t = -12.05).  Their satisfaction on activity management were rated at high level after experiment (M = 4.18, SD = 0.76).  People also felt satisfied with activity management on prevention of cigarette hazard in community at high level (M = 4.38 SD = 0.75).

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How to Cite
karunan, kholid, Makchuchit, S. ., Bunlap, P. ., & Lertariyapongkul, N. . (2022). Effectiveness of the potential development model based on 5As counseling technique on community smoking cessation in nursing student leaders . Thai Journal of Nursing, 71(1), 20–27. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/TJN/article/view/252096
Research Article


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