An innovative “ Wonder Cold Pad for pain relief ” in patients with orthopedic surgery

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Jeaujan Charoenbhakdi
Witoon Homla


This research and development aimed to develop an innovative cold pad to reduce pain  in patients after orthopedic operation by modifying a traditional cold pad into this new one with the property of instant cooling system and evaluate its effectiveness. The sample of 9 patients with orthopedic surgery in one hospital, was purposively selected for trial use within 1 month. The research tool was a questionnaire on patient satisfaction developed by researchers and was validated by 3 experts. Data analysis were done using descriptive statistics. The result revealed that the patients felt satisfied on the developed cold pad at the highest level (M =3.74, SD = 0.39). The addition, they expressed more opinions that this cold pad can reduce wound pain due to its constant cooling.

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How to Cite
Charoenbhakdi , J., & Homla, W. (2021). An innovative “ Wonder Cold Pad for pain relief ” in patients with orthopedic surgery. Thai Journal of Nursing, 70(3), 20–28. Retrieved from
Research Article


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