Depression prevention in pregnant adolescents

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Sunetr Boobpamala
Supavadee Netimetee
Sangduean Jindapaisan


Pregnant adolescents affected in both physical and psychological complications, which depression can occur during pregnancy and postpartum period. Depression during pregnanncy, not only affect pregnant women, but also affects the fetus. The children born from mothers with depression are at risk for developmental delays, psychiatric problems and other medical problems. The major factors contributing to gestational depression in adolescence are lack of support from family and spouse, perspectives of stigma from people around them, lack of self-esteem, barriers to access health services, unpreparedness for pregnancy, lack of knowledge for self-care and problems in the role of motherhood. Therefore, to prevent depression, nurses should promote social support and encourage pregnant adolescents to realize their self-esteem, be knowledgeable about self-care during pregnancy, be able to adjust the role of motherhood during the transition as well as to appropriately manage their own emotions.


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Boobpamala, S., Netimetee, S., & Jindapaisan , S. (2022). Depression prevention in pregnant adolescents. Thai Journal of Nursing, 71(4), 63–72. retrieved from
Academic Article


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