Effects of infant-resuscitation training program on knowledge and practice of infant resuscitation among parents of premature infants
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The purpose of this quasi-experimental study was to compare the knowledge and practice of infant resuscitation between premature infants’ parents or caregivers who received infant-resuscitation training program and those who received routine training of the ward. Participants were parents or caregivers of premature infants who were admitted to a neonatal ward of the university hospital. Fifty-two of them were selected based on the inclusion criteria and divided into experimental and control groups (26 in each group). The experimental group received the infant-resuscitation training program while the control group received the routine training of the ward. Data were collected from parents or caregivers’ demographic data questionnaire, infants’ demographic data questionnaire, infant-resuscitation knowledge test, and the observational record form of infant-resuscitation practice. Descriptive statistics, ANCOVA, and Chi-square test were used for data analysis. The study results revealed that after receiving the intervention, the experimental group had higher mean scores of infant-resuscitation knowledge than the control group with statistical significance (F = 34.65, p < .001) and the experimental group had very good scores of infant resuscitation practice with higher proportion than the control group with statistical significance (2 = 11.31, df =2, p = .003).
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