The effect of symptom management program combined with abdominal binder with cold compression on pain in patients with open hepatectomy

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Thanikarn Gridsana
Pachanat Nunthaitaweekul


This quasi-experimental study aimed to examine effect of symptom management program combined with abdominal binder with cold compression on pain in patients after open hepatectomy. Participants in the present study were 44 patients undergoing open hepatectomy treated in surgery ward, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital. All of them were adult patients who met  the inclusion criteria. They were matched pairs by gender ,age, history of surgery and type of analgesics. The control group (n=22) receive routine nursing care while experimental group (n = 22) receive routine nursing care with symptom management program  combined with abdominal binder with cold compression that developed based on the concept of Dodd et al. Research tools were symptom management program combined with abdominal binder with cold compression and visual analog scale. Data were analyzed using descriptives statistics and t-test. The result concluded that the mean  score of pain at the posttest, of the experimental group was significantly lower than that of the control group (p < .05).

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How to Cite
Gridsana, T., & Nunthaitaweekul, P. (2023). The effect of symptom management program combined with abdominal binder with cold compression on pain in patients with open hepatectomy. Thai Journal of Nursing, 72(4), 21–31. Retrieved from
Research Article


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