The effect of self-management program through LINE application on self management in people with acute coronary syndrome

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Kannika Tantikittichaiyakun
Sarinrut Sriprasong
Doungrut Wattanakitkrileart
Suphot Srimahachota


This quasi-experimental research aimed to study the effect of self-management programs through LINE application on self-management in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS). A total of 52 participants were patients with the first diagnosis of ACS, and admitted in a super tertiary care hospital in Bangkok. They were randomly assigned into an experimental group (n = 26) and a control group (n = 26). The experimental group was given a self-management program through the LINE application consisting of booklets about self-management in diet and physical activity and a manual LINE application, assessment, and video. Both groups received the usual care and a practice guide after acute coronary syndrome (ACS) booklets. The study duration was 8 weeks.  Data were collected using questionnaires,  demographic and medical records, and The Heart Health Self-efficacy and Self-management (HH-SESM). The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Chi-square test, and t-test. The results showed that after receiving the self-management program through the LINE application, the experimental group had higher average self-management scores than those before receiving the program (t = -11.305,  p < .001). In addition, the experimental group had statistical significantly higher self-management average scores than those of the control group (t = -5.991, p < .001).

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How to Cite
Tantikittichaiyakun, K. ., Sriprasong, S., Wattanakitkrileart , D., & Srimahachota, S. (2024). The effect of self-management program through LINE application on self management in people with acute coronary syndrome. Thai Journal of Nursing, 73(2), 12–21. Retrieved from
Research Article


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