Nurses are the future of Global Health, worthy to be invested for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

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Nanthaphan Chinlumprasert


Nurses are significant health professional contributing greatly to the national health system and global health in normal and disaster situations. Obviously, their incredible values are shown during recent COVID-19 pandemic. The entire health system of every country cannot survive without the endurances and sacrifices of nurses. The issues of nurse shortage are persistently ignored by the government, and disregards by the public, worsen by lack of leadership and power of nursing authority to boldly voice this fact. Evidently, this fall short will eventually threaten to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals through the implementation of the Universal Health Coverage.  The International Council of Nurses’ Charter for Change presents 10 policy actions that governments must take it seriously to resolve the problem by investing in quality nursing education to increase a greater number of nurses. The investment of nursing professional development to increase nursing competencies, nursing leaderships and management to sustain and retain nurses in the health system are crucial. Nurses must obtain proper and adequate welfare, safe and decent work environment, and work load, including increase salary and fair remuneration suitable to their contributions.  Let us shift nurses from being invisible to invaluable by dismantle myth and stereotypes associated with nursing profession.

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How to Cite
Chinlumprasert, N. . (2023). Nurses are the future of Global Health, worthy to be invested for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals . Thai Journal of Nursing, 72(3), 63–71. Retrieved from
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