The nurse midwife roles in prevention of preterm labor in high-risk pregnant women
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Preterm birth is a significant concern leading to infant morbidity or mortality from its complications. Families must care for preterm infants, resulting in increased costs, stress, and decreased familial happiness. Additionally, healthcare systems face high expenditures in caring for preterm infants. The leading cause of preterm birth is preterm labor, with contributing factors including a history of preterm birth, uterine abnormalities, maternal age below 17 or above 35 years, anemia, strenuous work, urinary tract infections, stress, and anxiety. Therefore, preventing preterm birth is crucial. Nurse midwives in the antenatal care units play a vital role in preterm labor prevention through risk screening, promoting awareness of risk factors and the severity of preterm labor, self-care knowledge, facilitating access to self-care information, regular symptom monitoring, and involving families in care.
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