Development of nurse-led smoke-free environment in Thailand: A scoping review

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Peeraya Suteerangkul
Surintorn Kalampakorn
Orasa Panpakdee
Rujiraporn Mahanil
Satanya Thitisak
Rattagan Yanaso


This scoping review aims to explore the nursing intervention affecting development of smoke-free environment in Thailand. Studies conducted during 2005-2023, were retrieved from Thai and international database.  Among 21 included studies, there were 17 qualitative studies (80.95%), and 4 quantitative studies (19.05%). Participants were tobacco users, families, and community leaders. The research process uses the concept of community participation, empowerment, networking, and creating the campaign for smoke-free public places, communities, schools, temples, mosques, and homes. Outcomes of development of nurse-led smoke-free environment in Thailand, were the smoke-free community policy, smoke-free homes, shops, temples/mosques, and educational institutions. Symbols and warning signs at home and various public places were shown to diminish secondhand smoke exposure. This successful project could lead tobacco smokers to quit smoking, reducing tobacco use and decreasing nicotine dependence levels. 

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How to Cite
Suteerangkul, P., Kalampakorn, S. ., Panpakdee, O. ., Mahanil , R. ., Thitisak, S., & Yanaso, R. (2024). Development of nurse-led smoke-free environment in Thailand: A scoping review. Thai Journal of Nursing, 73(1), 1–9. Retrieved from
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