Self-health screening ability and satisfaction with the use of the Doctor at Home platform among people in primary care in Bangkok

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Warapa Chunchote
Malinee Jumnian
Tassanee Yana
Kullatida Pongsanit
Chamaiporn Sukmas


This descriptive research aimed to evaluate  the self- health screening ability and satisfaction with the use of  Doctor  at  Home platform among people in primary care in Bangkok. A sample of 370  people  including health volunteers, health workers and  elderly people  at a public health service center, workers of Nanyang company, and students of BangkokThonburi University, was purposively selected. Research tools were questionnaires on self - health screening ability and satisfaction with the use of Doctor at Home platform. The Cronbach's alpha coefficients were 0.91 and 0.86 respectively. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The research results were  that the self- health screening ability of people were at  the highest level (M = 3.32, SD = 0.61) and  their satisfaction with the use of Doctor at Home platform were at a high level  (M = 2.74, SD = 0.46).

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How to Cite
Chunchote, W., Jumnian, M. . ., Yana, T. ., Pongsanit, K. . ., & Sukmas , C. . . (2024). Self-health screening ability and satisfaction with the use of the Doctor at Home platform among people in primary care in Bangkok. Thai Journal of Nursing, 73(4), 51–58. retrieved from
Research Article


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