Survey on patient safety culture in dentists of community hospitals in Chiangrai province

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วีระ อิสระธานันท์


This study aimed to survey patient safety culture in dentists of community hospitals in Chiangrai province. The dentists working in 17 community hospitals were surveyed from March to April 2015 by using the questionnaire derived from Healthcare Accreditation Institute (public organization). The result showed the patient safety culture among dentists in Chiangrai community hospitals, in all 6 components ;Hospital department, chief of department, and communication were in the “Very good” level. However the frequency of incident report and the number of incident report components were in “Should improve” level. It was found that missing incident report within 12 months was 23.1%. 60% of dentists categorized the level of patient safety in the hospital in “Very good” level, 33.8% in “Acceptable”, and 3% in “Strongly recommend for improvement” level.


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อิสระธานันท์ ว. Survey on patient safety culture in dentists of community hospitals in Chiangrai province. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2016 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 23];21(1):11-2. Available from:
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