Compare Effectiveness of Basic Dental Treatment Provided by Dentists of Mobile Dental Care Unit in Health Promoting Sub-district Hospital and Dental Clinic of Thatphanom Crown Prince Hospital, Nakhon Phanom Province

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นฤพนธ์ อึ้งอุปละชัย
อัญชุลี อึ้งอุปละชัย


The study compared the effectiveness of basic dental treatment provided by dentists of mobile dental care unit in Health Promoting sub-district Hospital (HPH) and dental clinic of Thatphanom Crown Prince Hospital, Nakhon Phanom province. Patient’s satisfaction was assessed by questionnaire after received service. Treatment outcome data was collected by telephone interview 1 week after scaling, 1 month after tooth extraction, and 3 months after fillings. Data was collected during December 2014 to May 2015. The study samples consisted of 223 patients. 79 patients received the services at HPH and 144patients at the dental clinic of hospital. The study founded that no significant difference in effectiveness of treatment (p =0.785).The rate of recovery from patients’chief complaints were 93.9 and97.9 respectively (p=0.135), complications/adverse effects were 10.1 and 14.6 respectively (p=0.344) and unplanned dental revisit were 2.5 and 4.9 respectively (p=0.497).  However, the score of satisfaction level of mobile dental care unit was higher than the dental clinics of hospitals4.59 and 4.33respectively (p=0.001).


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อึ้งอุปละชัย น, อึ้งอุปละชัย อ. Compare Effectiveness of Basic Dental Treatment Provided by Dentists of Mobile Dental Care Unit in Health Promoting Sub-district Hospital and Dental Clinic of Thatphanom Crown Prince Hospital, Nakhon Phanom Province. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2016 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 23];21(1):22-33. Available from:
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