Development of Oral Health Promotion Programme in Primary schools,based on the bureau of dental health,in Chomphra distrct,Surin Province.

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จินดา พรหมทา


This is a study of a development of oral health promotion programme in primary schools,which was based on the Bureau of Dental Health programme, between 2007 and 2015. Data was collected from network participation record, school self-evaluation record, children eating behavior questionnaire, financial budget report from public health agencies, sub-district administrative orgenization's record about local budget allocation, record of tooth brushing activity at school, controlling the sale of snacks and drinks at school, and oral health examination record. Result showed there were 18 of 41 schools joined the sweet enough project and healthy teeth healthy school network between 2007 and 2008. Network numbers went for field trip, developed their capacity, and created oral health promotion activities accordance with the network requirements. Next, the healthy teeth healthy school network at district level, year 2009-2010 and sub-district level, year 2011-2015, created incentives for schools to develop projects in the area using knowledge management. Every school joined the network. The network was downsize to sub-district level in all 9 sub-district. There was an increasing of oral health promotion activites which were 95.1 per cent of systemic tooth brushing aften luch, an increasing of oral health promoting environment, a reducing of the percentage of students having caries of permanent teeth, and an increasing of financial budget allocation from health agencies and local authority.


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พรหมทา จ. Development of Oral Health Promotion Programme in Primary schools,based on the bureau of dental health,in Chomphra distrct,Surin Province. Th Dent PH J [internet]. 2018 Oct. 4 [cited 2025 Jan. 24];21(1):79-88. available from:
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