The relationship between dental caries and weight, height and development in 0-5 year-old children in the Fourth Regional Health Service area

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พนิตเทพ ทัพพะรังสี
พิชญภัสสร์ ไหลรุ่งเรืองสกุล
เอื้ออารีย์ วัฒนธงชัย
ถนอมรัตน์ ประสิทธิเมตต์


The research aimed to study the relationship between the dental caries and weight for age, height for age and child development of preschool children in the Fourth Regional Health. Service area consisted of8 provinces: Nonthaburi, PathumThani, Phranakhon Sri Ayutthaya, Saraburi, LopBuri, Ang Thong, SingBuri and NakhonNayok. Samples were 893 children aged 0-5 years old with erupted primary teeth. Multistage sampling and collecting children’s dental caries, weight, height and development were used in this research. The study found that 50.4 percent of the children had dental caries (dmft=3.49). Most of the children who had dental caries were untreated. No significant association was found between weight for age, height for age and dental caries. However, it was found that child development associated with the dental caries. The children with less dental caries had significantly lower suspected-delay development (p<0.05).


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ทัพพะรังสี พ, ไหลรุ่งเรืองสกุล พ, วัฒนธงชัย เ, ประสิทธิเมตต์ ถ. The relationship between dental caries and weight, height and development in 0-5 year-old children in the Fourth Regional Health Service area. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2015 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 12];20(2):9-17. Available from:
Original Article


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