Fluoride Content of Toothpaste Available for Children in Thailand Compared between2009 and 2013

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สุรัตน์ มงคลชัยอรัญญา
นนทินี ตั้งเจริญดี


The study aimed to determine fluoride concentration and to investigate the labeling of toothpaste available for children in Thailand. Methods included collecting toothpastes for children bought from hyper-market and supermarket in department stores in Bangkok and vicinity.Fluoride concentration were analyzedusing Ion Selective Electrode (ORION 940) duringFebruary-March 2009 and October-November2013. Information declared on packages were recorded. Results showed that in 2013 there were 37 samples contained 0-1,067ppmF. Samples werecategorized as non-fluoride group 8%, 500 ppmF group(contained 508-577 ppmF) 54% and 1000 ppmFgroup (contained 980-1,067 ppmF)38%. There were 62% of samples did not label amount of fluoride. In 2009, there were 18 samples contained 0-1,070 ppmF. Six percent of samples were non-fluoride.The other groups of samples were 500ppmF group(contained 488-575 ppmF)78% and 1000ppmF group (contained 1,022-1,070 ppmF) 17%. Samples 88 % did not label amount of fluoride. Compared both results between the two years, toothpastes for children increased in terms of brands and types. All samples contained fluoride not over the limit of 1,100 ppm according to the Cosmetic Law. Percentages of non-fluoride toothpastes increased 2 %, toothpastes with 500 ppmF decreased 24 %, and toothpastes with 1000 ppmF increased 21%. The labeling of amount of fluoride increased 26%.


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มงคลชัยอรัญญา ส, ตั้งเจริญดี น. Fluoride Content of Toothpaste Available for Children in Thailand Compared between2009 and 2013. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2015 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 23];20(2):71-8. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ThDPHJo/article/view/150805
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