Comparison of dental caries in permanent dentition of primary school children between those who participated in 5 years to caries free children project, Suphanburi province, and those who did not.

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ศศิธร บุญมี


This research aimed to compare the prevalence of dental caries in permanent dentition between primary school children who joined Suphanburi project (aged 5 and caries free) and those who did not. The research used data within the same individuals. The data on dental health status was traced back from Yim Sod Sai program, educational year 2549-2555 BE. The data was analyzed by percentages, mean value and standard deviation. Using t-test and chi-square for statistical evaluation. The result revealed both groups had the same number of children, 369 people. Children in grade 1 and 6 who participated in the project had significantly less dental caries in permanent teeth than those who did not. Grade 6 children who experienced caries in primary teeth at aged 5 had 1.65-2.64 times higher of having caries in permanent dentition than children who had no caries at 5 years old.


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บุญมี ศ. Comparison of dental caries in permanent dentition of primary school children between those who participated in 5 years to caries free children project, Suphanburi province, and those who did not. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2015 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Sep. 17];20(3):28-35. Available from:
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