Permanent First Molar Eruption and Dental Caries in Children of Banklang Subdistrict, Lomsak District, Pethchabun Province.

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ทิวา ม่วงเหมือน


The purpose of this study was to explore first molar eruption and dental caries in children of Banklang subdistric, Lomsak district, Pethchabun province. Descriptive study was used to collect data from second-grade kindergarten, first and second-grade school children from July to August 2013. The instruments were mouth mirror, dental explorer no.5, portable dental chair, portable dental lamp and oral examination form developed by Department of Health. Data were collected by calibrated dental nurses. Findings revealed that the percentage with first molars erupted was 6.0 percent in second-grade kindergarten, 75.1 percent in first and 98.5 percent in second-grade school children. The percentage with four erupted fist molars was 2.6 percent in second-grade kindergarten, 46.8 percent in first and 75.0 percent in second-grade school children. The percentage with dental caries in first molars was 1.9 percent in second-grade kindergarten, 15.2 percent in first and 49.4 percent in second-grade school children. The lower first molars eruption was more than the upper first molars eruption in first-grade school children. The dental caries of lower first molars was more than the upper first molar in first and second-grade school children.


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ม่วงเหมือน ท. Permanent First Molar Eruption and Dental Caries in Children of Banklang Subdistrict, Lomsak District, Pethchabun Province. Th Dent PH J [internet]. 2014 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 20];19(1):9-20. available from:
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