Marginal bone loss adjacent to Implant-Retained Mandibular Overdentures:Fun-Yim Implant System

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สมชัย ผลอำไพสถิตย์


This descriptive study aimed to evaluate the marginal bone loss of the implant-retained mandibular overdentures. 96 patients were treated by Fun-Yim Implant System at the Dental Department of Pranangklao hospital, Nonthaburi province between April 2008 to October 2011. Only 58 cases were chosen to be the sample of this study as the result of completeness of radiography periodically. The mean age of sample was 66.7 years, 69.0 percent was female and 31.0 percent was male. Eighteen months after implantation, 60.3 and 63.8 percent of implant in 33-34 area and 43-44 area respectively had the bone level at polishing surface of implant. The marginal bone loss of most implants was not exceed one-third of the length of implant. All of implants showed no peri-implant radiolucent.


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ผลอำไพสถิตย์ ส. Marginal bone loss adjacent to Implant-Retained Mandibular Overdentures:Fun-Yim Implant System. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2014 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 23];19(2):9-20. Available from:
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