Oral health status of delinquent youth at Ubonratchatani detention centre, Thailand

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อุมาพร รุ่งรัศมีทวีมานะ


This cross-sectional study aimed to describe oral health status of total 323 delinquent youth at detention centre. Ubonratchatani province. The oral examination was conducted during 6-12 February 2012, to survey decayed, missing or filled permanent teeth (DMFT) score, visual debris index and calculus index scores and dental treatment need.  The prevalence of caries was 81.1%. The mean decayed missing filled teeth (DMFT) was 4.01(SD +3.45) and untreated decayed teeth (DT) was 3.44 (SD +3.13).  The tooth loss prevalence was 12.1%, came from dental caries and accident. Most of them had bleeding periodontal tissue (88.9%). Gingival bleeding sextant per person was 4.6, whereas six sextants gingival bleeding was 32.5%. Healthy periodontal tissue11.1%. Mean OHI-S was 2.7. The mean plaque and calculus indices were1.15 and 1.54, respectively. Dental treatment needs (%) were one-surface restoration (74.6), extraction of teeth (46.2), two-surfaces restoration (22.6). Improper behaviors caused tooth and tongue abnormalities were found according to fashionable esthetic reasons such as sparkling diamond canine teeth using tab drills and fixed a piece of diamond by glue (7.4%), and pendulum tongue piercing (2.2%).


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รุ่งรัศมีทวีมานะ อ. Oral health status of delinquent youth at Ubonratchatani detention centre, Thailand. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2014 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 23];19(2):21-34. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ThDPHJo/article/view/152578
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