Association between the oral health status and oral health-related quality of Life in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes in Sakaeo Province

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รถนา ไวยวาจี


This cross-sectional analytic study was aimed to determine the association between the oral health status and oral health-related quality of life in patients with type 2 diabetes in Sakaeo province. Samples were drawn by using probability proportional to size sampling technique and their willingness in participation.  Data collections were perform via health behavioral questionnaire, Oral Impacts on Daily Performances index and oral health examination from September to October 2012. We found that from 410 adults participants, 26.3 % males and 73.7% females, having average age 57.1+10 years. 45.4 % of them had at least one difficulty in oral health related quality of life. The two most common difficulties were eating (39.0%) and emotional problem (15.9%). The oral health-related quality of life in patients with type 2 diabetes was associated significantly with oral numbness [adjusted odds ratio: AOR=3.812; 95%CI=1.281-11.345]  delayed wound healing [AOR=3.061; 95%CI=1.408-6.659]  tooth mobility [AOR =2.772; 95%CI=1.802-4.265] clinical attachment loss 4-5 mm. [AOR=2.402; 95%CI=1.023-5.640] gingival swelling [AOR=1.899; 95%CI=1.239-2.911] dry mouth [AOR=1.681; 95%CI=1.070-2.640] and dental caries [AOR=1.070; 95%CI=1.012-1.131].


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ไวยวาจี ร. Association between the oral health status and oral health-related quality of Life in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes in Sakaeo Province. Th Dent PH J [internet]. 2014 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];19(2):47-62. available from:
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