Quality of Children Toothbrushes in 2011

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นนทินี ตั้งเจริญดี
วิกุล วิสาลเสสถ์
โกวิท เรียบเรียง
ประพัศพงษ์ ดวงทอง


Toothbrush is the most important basic tool for oral health caring. Bureau of Dental Public Health, Department of Health has surveyed quality of toothbrushes in Thailand since 1998.   Toothbrushes survey in 2011 was the fourth surveillance, 32 brands and 78 models of Children Toothbrushes were sampled between November 2010-July 2011, and have been examined and tested according to Standard of Quality of Toothbrush, Department of Health and Announcement of toothbrush labeling, Office of Customer protection. 87 % of children toothbrushes had good quality according to Standard of Quality of Toothbrush. 32 % of Children Toothbrushes have been incompletely labeled and 23 % have been wrong labeled according to Announcement of the Office of the Customer Protection Board. All children toothbrushes had extra soft and soft bristles and 96 % had tuft retention more than 15 newton. 13% of toothbrushes which were unqualified had sharp and rough bristle end and had less than 15 newton tuft retention.


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ตั้งเจริญดี น, วิสาลเสสถ์ ว, เรียบเรียง โ, ดวงทอง ป. Quality of Children Toothbrushes in 2011. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2018 Oct. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 23];19(2):76-88. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ThDPHJo/article/view/152592
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