Evaluation of oral health promotion programme in maternal and 0-5-year-old-children Kangkhro district, Chaiyaphum province

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สุทิสา ไทยงาม
คุณากร ขันชัยภูมิ


Objective : To evaluate the oral health promotion programme in maternal and 0-5-year-old-children. Methods : A study in 16 primary care units. Samples were purposively drawn from 3 primary care units for evaluation of project management. Data were collected by observations and in-depth interviews. The outcomes of programme were collected from reports of all primary care units.  Results : Kaengkhro district operated an integrated oral health promotion programme, in terms of the project committee, defined activities, monitoring, evaluating, and supporting material and knowledge. In addition, the programme gained collaborations from local governments. During the fiscal year 2552 – 2554, there were increased in 1. percentages of pregnant women received oral health screening and brushing practices (83.1 %, 82.4 %, 87.9 %).  2. percentages of caries-free 3-year-olds (27.7 %, 31.4 %, 38.6 %). 3. rates of 3-5-year-olds using promotion and prevention services per 1000 people ( 986.0, 1073.8, 1654.6). However percentages of 9-12-month-old-children received oral health screening and percentages of parents training in brushing their children teeth (95.2 %, 100 %, 83.3 %) and percentages of apply fluoride varnish to 0-2-year-olds (29.6 %, 51.2 %, 30.2 %) respectively, so the further programmes are needed to improve the last two activities.


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ไทยงาม ส, ขันชัยภูมิ ค. Evaluation of oral health promotion programme in maternal and 0-5-year-old-children Kangkhro district, Chaiyaphum province. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2013 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 23];18(1):64-72. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ThDPHJo/article/view/152823
Original Article


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