Model Development of Dental Health Promoting School in Denchai District, Phrae Province

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ศิริพรรณ เลขะวิพัฒน์


This  research and development study was conducted during 2009--2012. The study aimed to develop the model of dental health promoting school in Denchai district,Phrae province. The small, medium and large size of the primary school were participated in the study. The model of networking started from the two prototype schools worked as buddy schools. Then this was expanded to other 15 schools network .The activities provided in the school included oral health program knowledge, regarding healthy food and snack ,tooth  brush  with fluoride toothpaste. This study was supported by the new health promotion concept that the health care system should encourage individuals ,community and healthcare provider to take responsible for health promotion. Oral  personals roles should change from the giver to the modulator or advocator for creating supportive environment, strengthening community action for health ,developing personal skills and reorienting health service system.


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เลขะวิพัฒน์ ศ. Model Development of Dental Health Promoting School in Denchai District, Phrae Province. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2012 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];17(2):71-8. Available from:
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