Fluoride content in saliva following tooth brushing with and without rinsing.

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พรศรี ปฏิมานุเกษม
ทัชชา ทรรปณ์จินดา
ธนพล รี้พลมหา


Fluoride toothpaste is an important mean of daily fluoride uptake but water rinsing after tooth brushing leads to fluoride loss from the oral cavity. The objective is to compare the fluoride content in saliva following tooth brushing with and without water rinsing. The 12 healthy 5 th year dental students were participated. On the first day, not less than 4 hours after brushing with no fluoride content toothpaste, the resting saliva was collected. After brushing with 1 gram of 1,000 ppm fluoride toothpaste for 2 min. and discarded a slurry of the toothpaste foam for 30 seconds, the saliva were collected at 2, 5,10 and 15 min. Fluoride concentration in all samples was measured by fluoride ion electrode.  On the other days, the experimented were performed by 3 min rinsing with 10 ml deionized water once and twice after slurry were discarded, respectively. The differences of fluoride content in saliva after brushing with and without rinsing were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis test at 95% confident limit. The results showed that fluoride content in saliva following tooth brushing without rinsing, 1 and 2 rinsing at 2 min. were 3.850+2.483, 2.285+1.620, 0.847+0.597 ; at 5 min. were 1.384+0.677, 0.735+0.365,0.387+0.211; at 10 min. were 0.789+0.872, 0.338+0.263, 0.139+0.075; and at 15 min. were 0.300+0.303, 0.204+0.251, 0.086+0.058 ppm  respectively. All data showed significant differences (p<.05).  It was concluded that fluoride contents in saliva following tooth brushing after 1and 2 rinsing were lower than those without rinsing.


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ปฏิมานุเกษม พ, ทรรปณ์จินดา ท, รี้พลมหา ธ. Fluoride content in saliva following tooth brushing with and without rinsing. Th Dent PH J [internet]. 2012 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];17(2):109-16. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ThDPHJo/article/view/153190
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