Oral Health Promotion Network Development for Preschool Children in Child Development Center

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ฉลองชัย สกลวสันต์
สุกัญญา สันป่าแก้ว
ชว้ลชา พรหมบุญ
เรณู วรรณศรี


The objectives of this action research were to develop oral health promotion network for preschool children and evaluate project outcomes. The project was set up during 2005-2010 in Pha Sing Tambol Administrative Organization, Amphur Muang, Nan Province. The methods consists of data collection, data communication, skill developing in teachers, child care givers and parents, and dental service for prevention. From this project, there has been network supporting oral health activities in child center, child center environment had been improved. As well as the environment, parents had better behavior and satisfaction to the operation, children with dental caries decline. Thus, developed in conjunction with the network as way to improve the oral health of pre-school children in the Child Development Center.


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สกลวสันต์ ฉ, สันป่าแก้ว ส, พรหมบุญ ช, วรรณศรี เ. Oral Health Promotion Network Development for Preschool Children in Child Development Center. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2011 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];16(1):9-17. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ThDPHJo/article/view/178336
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