The Quality Management for Dental Health Care Service Development in Primary School Students in Rasisalai District, Sisaket Province

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มณีรัตน์ มั่นใจ
สงครามชัย ลีทองดี
วุฒิไกร มุ่งหมาย


This research aims to study the developing process on service quality in oral health promotion of elementary school students in Ban Nam Om Noi, Wan kham sub-district, Rasi Salai district, Si Sa Ket province. The Action Research design was applied . Purposive sampling was used to selcct 99 participants ie;school- administrators, parents and teachers of primary schools, The quantitative data was collected by questionnaire. Parents and community leaders were interviewed for qualitative data. Data were analyzed and appropriate statistics were applied. The results showed that to improve process of dental health problems solving require the participation of networks. Participatory planning for main mission was a significant strategy to enhance the cooperation between the school, parents and Dental Health department of the community hospital. Key success factors were the creating and operationg initiated in the school such as a care for each other in school (Buddy care) and verified by “Pi care nong" (Brotherhood care). The results revealed a successful improment of health promotion inschool. Students' knowledge score and participation of the community and parents were increased compared to the baseline. Furthermore, the teachers'satisfaction with the process of development was also significantly increased (p<.05).


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มั่นใจ ม, ลีทองดี ส, มุ่งหมาย ว. The Quality Management for Dental Health Care Service Development in Primary School Students in Rasisalai District, Sisaket Province. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2010 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];15(2):23-34. Available from:
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