Formulating Thailand Goals for Oral Health 2020

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บุญเอื้อ ยงวานิชากร


This document aims at describing the process to formulate the Thailand national oral health goals. The goals are set up as guidance for dentists to develop their plans for oral health in relevant to local circumstance. The first Thailand Oral health Goals and Strategies in achieving health for all by the year 2000, formulated in 1985 were shown useful. They helped to stimulate awareness of the importance of oral health and acted as catalyst for securing resources for oral health in general. In 2005 the oral health goals for the year 2020 were set up in accordance with the WHO's Global Oral Health Goals 2020. The process include technical reviews and situation analysis of epidemiology of oral diseases, oral health system, manpower, service utilization, political, socioeconomic, and legislative context. Then the preliminary goals were drafted and disseminated to dentists attending the national dental conferences for comments. Some opinions were given through civil forum. The working group finalized the Thailand Goals 2020. These are 1) to minimize the impact of oral diseases on health and psychosocial development giving emphasis to promoting oral health and reducing oral diseases 2) to develop the accessible oral health systems under the national health security scheme and 3) to develop oral health programs that will empower people and to promote social responsibility in order to control determinants of health. These goals were published and distributed to all government dental services which expecting that they would be taken into consideration when local plans are being developed.


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ยงวานิชากร บ. Formulating Thailand Goals for Oral Health 2020. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2009 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Jan. 15];14(2):38-4. Available from:
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