Pseudo-Orthodontics among Thai Teenagers and its Effects on Oral Health

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อังศณา ฤทธิ์อยู่
ขวัญจิต ศศิวงศาโรจน์


This study aimed to discover the effects of fake orthodontics on oral health in Thai teenagers. Informants were 20 youths aged 15-20 years old. In-depth interviews were used to collect data during May 2008-Feubruary 2009. Results revealed that all respondents had properly aligned teeth but they used phony orthodontic devices solely for cosmetic reasons. Wearing fake braces was perceived as fashionable and an accessory to keep them in fashion. However, onefourth of respondents thought that spacing between their central incisors is problem. They used phony orthodontic instead of searching for a professional orthodontic treatment because of economic difficulties and a belief in the efficacy of the phony method. Popular places where the respondents obtained the pseudo-orthodontic were beauty salons and denture making shops. Regarding the effects of the pseudo-orthodontics, the results found that most respondents had toothache and a half of them had oral ulcers after wearing braces. In addition, they were at risk of getting toxic poisoning from non-standard equipments and infections from unhygienic conditions. In particular, tooth movement procedures done by non-professional dentists may cause the serious destruction of peripheral dental tissue and teeth. Related organizations should inform the public and raise awareness of the harmful effects of pseudo-orthodontic. Additionally, the proper value of “beauty” and “modernity” should be promoted to teenagers in order to reduce preventable health problems.


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ฤทธิ์อยู่ อ, ศศิวงศาโรจน์ ข. Pseudo-Orthodontics among Thai Teenagers and its Effects on Oral Health. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2009 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 27];14(1):7-19. Available from:
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